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How Do, Hackers Hack PC By E-mail

How Do

Hackers Hack PC By E-Mail


If you open an attachment or open the given link(s) in E-mail, then can you be hacked ?
The answer is yes...!

Backdoor Creation

An attacker can create a backdoor, encrypt it to make it untraceable by antivirus software, then bind it with some documents and send it to you via email.

You will definitely check what's inside these documents, once you open them you are HACKED.

How Organizations are HACKED ?

Typically, organizations are hacked via their employees E-mails, with the attacker sending all of their E-mails documents and bind a backdoor inside them.

E-Mail Spoofing

There is a method known as e-mail spoofing, and it is used by an attacker to forward an e-mail from an e-mail that is already in used by that specific organization.

So no one can imagin recieving a backdoor through their own company e-mail.


  • The e-mail does not appear as expected.

The sender might be "" but does the e-mail really look like Google's other e-mails ?
Most cyber-criminals use the spoofed company's branding - but some make mistakes.

  • The e-mail contains spelling and grammar mistakes.

Again, these errors are uncommon among professional cybercriminals, but they can happen.

  • The e-mail user an urgent tone.

If your boss e-mails you and asks you to pay an invoice into an unknown bank account urgently.

Take a moment. This could be CEO fraud.

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