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Detailed Information About Architecture of JVM (Java Virtual Machine)

Architecture of JVM

Last time we have seen, JDK, JRE, and JVM of Java ProgrammingIn this blog post, we will explore the Detailed Information of Architecture of JVM, with their significance in programming development. So let's see...

What is JVM ?

        Java Virtual Machine is the software component of JRE (Java Runtime Environment) that provides the environment for executing Java ByteCode. It is a mandatory i.e. essential part of the Java Platform and it enables java programs to run on a wide variety of hardware and operating systems without requiring any modification.

        The JVM is responsible for interpreting the Java bytecode and executing it on the host system. It provides many services to the Java application, such as memory managementgarbage collection, and exception handling. The JVM also provides a security model that allows Java applications to run in a sandboxed environment, where they are prevented from accessing the host system resources without permission.

Architecture of JVM

The Architecture of JVM is designed in such a way that it allows user or developer platform-independent execution of Java Programs. The JVM Architecture includes several components such as ClassLoader, Runtime Data Area, Execution Engine, Native Method Interface, and Native Method Library, etc. 

Let's take a closer look at the components of the Architecture of JVM...

A) Class Loader

The class loader is the first component of JVM architecture. It is responsible for loading the classes written in Java Programs at runtime. It loads classes from the file system or network and creates a corresponding binary representation of the class in memory.

The class loader performs following three main functions : 

1. Loading

Basically, the loading function is responsible for finding the binary representation of a class file and loading it into memory so that it can be used as a class. Class loaders search for class files within the file system or network, and then they read the bytecode of those class files in order to create a binary representation that corresponds to the class file in memory.

2. Linking

There are three sub-tasks that are performed as part of the linking function: verification, preparation, and resolution.

  • Verification : This sub-task is responsible for checking whether the loaded bytecode is valid and complies with the specifications provided by the JVM.
  • Preparation : A Java Virtual Machine (JVM) throws an error if the bytecode is invalid. The preparation sub-task allocates memory for static variables and initializes them to their default values in case the bytecode is invalid.
  • Resolution : In the resolution subtask, symbolic references are replaced with direct references to binary representations of the bytecode in memory in place of symbolic references in the bytecode.

3. Initialization

In the initialization function, the static initializer of a class is executed, which is a block of code that executes the static initializer, which initializes the class' static variables.

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM)  uses three class loaders : 
  • Bootstrap Class Loader
  • Extension Class Loader
  • System Class Loader

        In addition to these default class loaders, Java provides a mechanism for creating custom class loaders that can load classes from non-standard locations, such as databases or network resources. As a result, the class loader plays a crucial role in the JVM architecture, as it plays the role of loading and initializing classes at runtime, allowing Java programs to load and execute classes dynamically without having to wait for any corresponding classes to be loaded.

B) Runtime Data Area

In the JVM architecture, the Runtime Data Area is a memory area used by the JVM to store data during program execution. The Runtime Data Area is divided into several memory areas, including the method area, heap, stack, and program counter.

1. Method Area
It is mainly used to store information regarding classes and methods, including bytecode instructions and constant pool. It is shared among all threads and is created when the JVM starts up.

2. Heap Area
It is a kind of runtime data area where all the objects are stored. It can be divided into two subparts as Young Generation and Old Generation.

3. Stack Area
It stores specific data corresponding to the methods, including local variables and method parameters. Each thread has its own stack, which is created when the thread is started.

4. PC Register
The PC register is specific to each thread and is updated as the thread executes bytecode instructions. When a thread is started, the PC register is initialized to the address of the first instruction in the thread's run() method.

5. Native Method Stack
The Native Method Stack is a memory area in the Runtime Data Area that is used to store data related to native method calls. Native methods are methods that are implemented in languages other than Java, such as C or C++, and are accessed by Java programs using the Java Native Interface (JNI).

        Overall, the Runtime Data Area plays a critical role in the JVM architecture, as it is responsible for managing memory allocation and freeing up memory that is no longer needed. By using automatic memory management and garbage collection, the JVM provides a reliable and secure runtime environment for executing Java programs.

C) Execution Engine

In the JVM architecture, the Execution Engine is responsible for executing bytecode instructions. Generally, the Execution Engine consists of two components such as the Interpreter and the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler, but other than that it also consists of one essential component namely the Garbage Collector. Let's learn about them...

1. Interpreter

The interpreter is used to execute bytecode instructions of a  program one by one and it also interprets them. The Interpreter reads each bytecode instruction from the bytecode array, decodes it, and executes the corresponding operation. The Interpreter is responsible for executing the bytecode instructions in a thread-safe and secure manner.

2. JIT Compiler

The JIT compiler is responsible for compiling frequently executed bytecode sequences into native machine code for improved performance. When the JIT compiler detects a bytecode sequence that is frequently executed, it compiles the sequence into native machine code and replaces the bytecode sequence with the native machine code. The JIT compiler uses a number of optimization techniques to improve the performance of the compiled code.

3. Garbage Collector

Garbage Collector is a component of the Execution Engine that is responsible for managing the memory used by a Java program. The Garbage Collector automatically frees up memory that is no longer being used by the program, ensuring that the program does not run out of memory and crash.

        Overall, the Execution Engine plays a critical role in the JVM architecture, as it is responsible for executing bytecode instructions efficiently and securely. By using a combination of bytecode interpretation and just-in-time compilation, the Execution Engine provides a flexible and high-performance runtime environment for executing Java programs.

Native Method Interface & Library

        In the JVM architecture, the Native Method Interface (JNI) is a programming interface that allows Java programs to access native methods and libraries written in other programming languages such as C, C++, and assembly language. The JNI allows Java programs to call native methods directly, and vice versa, making it possible to integrate Java programs with other software systems and platforms.

        The Native Method Library (NML) is a collection of pre-compiled native libraries that can be used by Java programs. These libraries contain native methods that have been compiled for specific hardware and operating system configurations, making it easy to integrate Java programs with native code.

So, now it's time to end our session. We'll see you guys Next Time, stay tuned for further updates on JAVA Programming with!!!

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