Basics of Python and Syntax of Displaying Statments
What is Syntax ?
The syntax are set rules that defines how Python program will be written so we have to go through the rules while writing Python code.
Python is actually best programming language for beginners. Its syntax is similar to English, which makes it easy to read and understand.
Python has syntax that allows programmers to write programs with fewer lines than other programming languages.
Table of Content
- Print() Statement
- Identifiers
- Keywords
- Comments
- Indentation
Print( ) Statement
To display any text, sentence, or we can say that string, by using Python, we uses print( ) Statement.
The print() function prints the given parameter value to the output screen.
Syntax :
print("Hello Learners !")
Identifiers is a name used to identify a variable, function class, module or other object
Python is a case sensitive language.
Case sensitive means it treats uppercase and lowercase characters differently
You must avoid same name while naming to identifiers.
Python is a case sensitive language.
Case sensitive means it treats uppercase and lowercase characters differently
You must avoid same name while naming to identifiers.
Rules for creating identifiers:
- Starts with uppercase and lowercase alphabet or an underscore
- An identifiers cannot be start with digit or any type of special symbols like #,@,!,%,$ etc
- Keywords cannot be used as identifier.
Keywords are special reserved words that have specific meanings and purposes.
Almost all keywords are in lowercase.
There are 33 keywords in python while creating this tutorial.
Almost all keywords are in lowercase.
There are 33 keywords in python while creating this tutorial.
Comments are used to explain the Python code and to make it more readable.
With the help of commenting we prevent execution when testing code.
Once you comment the lines that cannot be executed with other code.
With the help of commenting we prevent execution when testing code.
Once you comment the lines that cannot be executed with other code.
There are two types of comments in Python programming as follows
- Single line Comments
- Multiple line Comments
Single line Comments
Single line Comments begin with #.
Single line Comments comment only a inline code it cannot effect on next line.
Single line Comments comment only a inline code it cannot effect on next line.
Example :
# This is comment now it cannot be executed
print("Computer Tips & Tricks")
# Output : Computer Tips & Tricks
Multiple line Comments
There are no built-in mechanism for multi-line comments in python.
To comment out multiple lines you can prepend each line with hash or you can comment using triple quotes
To comment out multiple lines you can prepend each line with hash or you can comment using triple quotes
Example :
""" Multiple line comments are perform using triple
quotes like this """
print("Computer Tips & Tricks")
# Output : Computer Tips & Tricks
Indentation is used to indicate the level of nesting within code blocks it is a technique that provides readers sense of continuity
Indentation matters! Don't use it casually.
Indentation matters! Don't use it casually.
Following code will report an error 'Unexpected indent'.
Example :
a = 20
b = 45
For example, the code block within a for loop must be indented one level more than the for statement.
In that python interpreter automatically adds 4 spaces before the function body content or loop content.
Example :
for i in range(1,10+1):
i = str(i)
print(i + ") " + i)
Output :
1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4
5) 5
6) 6
7) 7
8) 8
9) 9
10) 10
When we doesn't uses indentation then the compiler shows errors.
for i in range(1,10+1):
i = str(i)
print(i + ") " + i)
i = str(i)
IndentationError: expected an indented block after 'for'
statement on line 1
So to avoid this type of errors, we must need to use indentation !
Learn all the Contents of Table in detail in next Pages.
Hope this post will help you to learn Python More !
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