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Basics of PHP | History of PHP | What is PHP | Features of PHP | Syntax and Simple PHP program

 Basics of PHP

What is PHP ?

PHP is a server-side scripting language and web-based technology used to create web pages. The latest version of PHP is 8.2 which will be released on November 2022. It is used to create dynamic websites and applications. It is free to use and download. PHP contains HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP code. PHP is integrated with many databases like SQL server, Oracle, Microsoft, My SQL, etc. PHP is faster than other scripting languages like ASP and JSP. PHP files are stored using the .php extension.

History of PHP

PHP is a server-side scripting language because its runs on a server side. PHP is created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is used to design web development to create dynamic websites and applications and is used for form handling and database access. 
The first version of PHP is 2.0 which is released in 1994. the next version of PHP is 3.0 which is released in 1995.  it runs on various platforms like windows, Linux, Unix, Mac, etc. it is open-source which means its source code is freely available.
The current version of PHP is 8.2.

Features of PHP

  • It is elementary simple and easy to understand.
  • server-side scripting language.
  • It is an interpreter language because no need to compile the code.
  • Support object-oriented programing.
  • it is platform-independent. That means you can write programs and run them on any operating system like windows, Linux, Unix, or Mac.
  • It manages dynamic web page content.
  • Open-source scripting language. That means anyone can download and use PHP.
  • it’s a flexible scripting language.
  • Handling forms and databases.
  • It is case-sensitive.
  • It supports web servers.

Syntax of PHP to run PHP code.

For Web-page View :
      //code to be executed

For Console View :
	//code to be executed

Sample Program to Print "Hello World !" :

For Web-page View :
<title>Welcome Message</title>
      echo "Hello World !";

For Console View :
   echo "Hello World !";

Summary :

PHP is created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994.
PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor.
It is a server-side scripting language. It is used to design web development to create dynamic websites and applications and is used for form handling and database access.
PHP files are stored using the .php extension.
It runs on various platforms like windows, Linux, Unix, Mac, etc.
It is open-source which means its source code is freely available.

So this is the basic information of PHP, Now we are going to Start our PHP course from next Post...!

Thank You...!

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