Special Characters in HTML
Special Characters in HTML
There are too many Special Characters in the world, which we need to use while writing some content. In HTML most of the time, we find that some of the special characters are not visible on the webpage screen.
This happens because of the Web Browsers that provide HTML pages. If you also find those errors, then let me tell you something, which will help you to display those special characters on your webpage screen.
Whenever you want to display those special characters on the webpage, you must use their HTML Entity Number or Entity Name. Using HTML Entity Number and Name you can definitely display those special characters.
HTML Entity Name & Number
HTML Entities are commonly used for displaying predefined characters and immense characters such as non-breaking spaces. HTML Entity Name and Number are always starts with the Ampersand character and ends with the Semicolon character.
Chars | Entity Number | Entity Name | Description |
" | " | " | Quotation Mark |
' | ' | &apost; | Apostrophe |
& | & | & | Ampersand |
< | < | < | Less-than |
> | > | > | Greater-than |
© | © | © | Copyright |
® | ® | ® | Registered Trademark |
So let's take a look at the example...
Example :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Special Charcters in HTML </title>
<b>Displaying Special Characters in paragraph using HTML Entity Name and Number</b>
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Output :
In the above program, we used the Special Characters through the HTML Entity Name and Number. You can also use it in your program to display it on HTML Webpage.
So, now it's time to end the session. See you guys Next Time, stay tuned for further updates on HTML Programming Languages...!!!
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