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Performing Hacking operations using Phonesploit | Working with Phonesploit

Performing hacking operations using Phonesploit 

So we are going to continue from where we left Now we know how to install Phonesploit but we still don't know how to use it. Today we are going to cover where we left off!!!

Let's Start,
Before starting, we have to install the Phonesploit on our machine. Check our last post on the installation of phonesploit in our machine
Once the installation process is done. Before you directly run it. We need to change some settings in the phone as given below:

Note - Follow these steps if you want to test this on your android phone.
  • Open your mobile settings ⚙️  and Go to About Phone.
  • Search for the build version and tap on it up to 7-8 times until it shows a message of you are a developer now!
  • Now go back and search for accessibility settings and open it.
  • After doing all this it enables the developer option in your android device setting.
  • Now search for debugging and enable the USB debugging option.
  • Now get a USB cable connect it to your phone and enter the IP of your android.

 When you run this tool first time at that moment it shows you a list of functionality it can do and it asks you to connect. 

Note - Follow this step to hack or gain access to another device. 

Open the shodan search engine and then search Android Debug Bridge, It shows you a list of Android devices that are Opened debugging Choose any one of them. After selecting copy the IP of that device and then open the terminal and paste it.

After connection that it shows you a message that Enter IP address After entering the IP of a device now you can perform various operations on that device listed above In this we try to 

After getting a Screenshot it automatically stores it in the PhoneSploit directory.

It seems like the phone screen is not open for now or due to some other reason it is not showing the image.
You can Perform other operations on your own 

NOTE: We created this post only for educational purposes! or author of post are not responsible for any suspicious activity of audiences. 👀

Hope this post will help you to know more about Hacking using Android!

Thank You…!!!!!!

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