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Tools to penetrate Android Devices

 Required tools to penetrate Android Devices

Use VPN if any of the applications are not downloading...!

WIFI KILL PRO - This is the first app on our list because If you want to know who is accessing your wifi and block them then you must need it. This app can be used to prioritize or Limit WIFI access. Using this app without permission is illegal.

NMAP - It is a free tool for audit security and network scanning. NMAP means network mapper. It creates a Map of Network Topology and identifies vulnerabilities in the network. 

WPS Connect - This app is used to allow users to connect wirelessly with WPS protocol-enabled networks. Using this app users can test their own network and also try to hack other WPS protocol-enabled networks making it easier to crack security networks. It is illegal to use without permission.

Shark for Root - This app allows the user to analyze the network traffic by just using mobile phones. This app only works in a rooted android environment and supports several protocols. This app enables the user to save the captured network in PCAP format. This app is used in network security testing.

WPS WPA Tester - This app allows users to test the security of wireless networks. It uses WPA and WPS/WPS2 encryption. This app can also perform Brute-Force attacks on the network. 

WIBR+ pro - This app is used to breach the password of the network. This app normally uses a Dictionary attack. A dictionary attack means In this app there are some common passwords stored and then it tries to crack the passwords.

 ANDOSID - Using this app users can perform DOS attacks on websites. Without permission performing a DOS attack is an illegal use. It sends a larger number of HTTP requests to the targeted server or website.

Change MY MAC - This app allows users to change the mac addresses of their device's network interfaces. The MAC address of any device is a unique identifier assigned to devices and used for communication on the network.

zANTI - This app is a Toolkit for Android to perform penetration testing. This app features a range of tools and modules to perform penetration testing. This app is also used by ethical hackers to find vulnerabilities in the network before the attacker exploits them.

 cSPLOIT -  This app is used to analyze networks and perform penetration testing. This app provides advanced functionality to network admins. 

I hope it will help you to learn Ethical Hacking More...! 

NOTE: We created this post only for educational purposes! or author of post are not responsible for any suspicious activity of audiences. 👀

Hope this post will help you to know more about Hacking using Android! 

Thank You…!!!!!! 

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