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Classes In Java | Importance and Use of Class | Main() Method in Java | Use Of Main() Method

Importance of Class and Main() Method

Last time we have seen, Installation of Java in Windows 10 & 11 and Java Environment Setup. In this blog post, we will explore the Classes in Java with their Importance, and the Main() Method in Java, with their significance in programming development. So let's see...

 Classes in Java

        In Java, a class is a blueprint or a template that defines the structure and behavior of objects. Objects are instances of classes, and they encapsulate data and methods to perform various operations. A class can have variables (also known as fields) to store data and methods (functions) to define its behavior. 

Classes are the building blocks of Java programs. They provide a structure for organizing and modeling objects, enable code reuse, support abstraction, and facilitate important OOP concepts such as inheritance and polymorphism. By understanding and utilizing classes effectively, you can write modular, maintainable, and extensible Java code.

 Importance of Class in Java

  • The importance and use of classes in Java are fundamental to the language's object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. 
  • Classes serve as blueprints or templates for creating objects, which encapsulate data and behavior.
  • In Java Programming Language, each and every program statement is written in classes (except package importation), for the proper execution of the program.
  • Since Java is an Object-Oriented Programming Language it implements the program using classes and objects.
  • Apart from this, java has a main() method that is considered the entry point of the program, which is defined in the main class.


Main() Method in Java

The main() method is a special method in Java that serves as the entry point for the execution of a program. When you run a Java application, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) starts executing code from the main() method.

Syntax : 
public static void main(String[] args)
	//Code Goes Here

Let's break down the components of the main() method : 

  • public: The public keyword is an access modifier, which means the main() method can be accessed from outside the class.
  • static: The static keyword indicates that the main() method belongs to the class itself, rather than an instance of the class.
  • void: The void keyword signifies that the main() method doesn't return any value.
  • String[] args: This parameter allows you to pass command-line arguments to the main() method. We won't be using it in our basic example.


So, now it's time to end our session. We'll see you guys Next Time, stay tuned for further updates on JAVA Programming with!!!

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