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Dark Web Myths vs Facts

 7 Common Dark Web Myths Exposed

Myths vs Facts

Due to the secretive nature of the dark web, it's natural that myths were created to describe it.

In this post, we'll Expose some common myths about the dark web lets begin.

MYTH #1 :

The Darkweb and Deep web are the same thing

Fact :

The Deep web is the part of the internet that's not indexed by search engines.
The Dark Web is simply a tiny percentage of the deep web with more security layers in place.

MYTH #2 :

The Dark Web makes up 96% of the Internet.

Fact :

The Dark Web is a tiny subsection of the deep web-less than one percent.

MYTH #3 :

The Dark Web's main purpose is to help criminals conduct illegal business.

Fact :

For those living with restricted Internet access, or for those who seek to be government whistleblowers.
Dark web allows them to publish their thoughts and surf Internet freely.

MYTH #4 :

Once you're on the Dark Web, all of the Illegal content is easily accessible.

Fact :

Just because you can access Dark Web doesn't necessarily mean you can access of it's sites.
For Dark Websites creators who really want to restrict site access, they might only allow those from list of certain IP addresses to have access.

MYTH #5 :

It's Illegal to access the DARK WEB.

Fact :

It isn't illegal to go on the Dark Web if you keep in mind a few points.
The Dark web has many advantages as well. People use the Dark Web to read books, gain information which is not on surface web.

MYTH #6 :

Red Rooms exits on Dark Web.


Fact :

Yes, Its myth, based on a Japanese horro movie. Not only did the idea come from there but it's not possible with Tor's technology
The speed of the Dark net in too low to run a live stream, it's basically impossible.

MYTH #7 :

Mariana's Web, the darkest corner of the internet.

Fact :

The Marianas web origins are mostly from forum based dicussions no one ever claimed to visit this web it is only hypothetical.
Marianas web is possible but the technology required to create such is not available right now.

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This article is for informational purposes only !
All the information in this article is taken from the internet !
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