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Implementing Frames in HTML Web-pages | Attributes of Frame & Frameset

Implementing Frames in HTML

Previously we have seen, Using an Image as a link, button, or background. Now we are going to learn about Implementing Frames in HTML Web-pages. So let's get started...

Frames in HTML

In HTML, a frame is used to display multiple web pages in the same web page, at a time. Each frame in a window may be separated from the others with a border.

The frames can be defined with <frame> tag. Frames not only contain web pages but also contains different data. Frames can be a combination of related information.

Basic concept behind Frames : 

  • Use the <frameset> element in place of the <body> element in an HTML.
  • Use the <frame> element to create frames for the content of the web page.
  • Use the "src" attribute to define the source which must be loaded in the frame.
  • Create different files with the contents for each frame.

Structure of Frame HTML Document

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title> Stucture of Frame HTML Document</title>
    <frameset cols="Partitions in Percentage" rows="Partitions in Percentage">
        <frame src="Source path of Webpage"></frame>
        <frame src="Source path of Webpage"></frame>
        <frame src="Source path of Webpage"></frame>
            The browser you are working with, does not support Frames

Attributes of Frameset & Frame

Elements Name Attributes
<frameset> cols | rows | bordercolor | frameborder
<frame> src | name | bordercolor | frameborder | scaling | noresize | marginwidth

Frames of Vertical Columns

To create a set of four vertical columns, use the frameset element with the "cols" attribute. The cols attribute is used to define the number and size of columns the frameset will contain. The value of "*" will cause it to be automatically sized to fill available space. The cols always define the size of the frame in percentage or in character "*".

Example :

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title> Frames of Vertical Columns </title>
    <frameset cols="33%, 33%, 33%">
        <frame src=""></frame>
        <frame src=""></frame>
        <frame src=""></frame>
            The browser you are working with, does not support Frames

Output : 

Frames of Horizontal Rows

The rows of frames can be created by using the "rows" attribute rather than the "cols" attribute. The rows also always define the size of the frame in percentage or in character "*".

Example :
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Frames of Horizontal Columns</title>
    <frameset rows="33%, 33%, 33%">
        <frame src=""></frame>
        <frame src=""></frame>
        <frame src=""></frame>
            The browser you are working with, does not support Frames

Output : 

Frames of Mixed - Rows & Columns

Columns and Rows of frames can both appear on the same web page by nesting one frameset inside of another. To do this, first create a parent frameset and then nest a child frameset within the parent element.

Example : 
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Frames of Mixed Rows & Columns</title>
    <frameset cols="50%, 50%">
        <frame src=""></frame>
        <frameset rows="50%, 50%">
            <frame src=""></frame>
            <frameset cols="50%, 50%">
                <frame src=""></frame>
                <frame src=""></frame>
            The browser you are working with, does not support Frames

Output : 

So, now it's time to end the session. See you guys Next Time, stay tuned for further updates on HTML Programming Languages...!!!

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