Media Elements in HTML
Last time we have seen, HTML5 with its Key Features and new Elements. In this blog post, we will explore HTML Media Elements, with their significance in web development.
HTML Media Elements
HTML provides several media elements that allow developers to add audio
and video to their web pages. Audio and video are powerful tools that can
help make web content more engaging and interactive.
The media elements are supported by most modern web browsers and can be
styled using CSS to provide a consistent look and feel across different
browsers and devices. They also provide accessibility features, such as
support for closed captions and screen readers.
HTML media elements are used to embed multimedia content, such as video,
audio, and images, into a web page. These elements have a variety of
attributes that can be used to customize their behavior and appearance.
HTML Audio Element
The HTML audio element allows developers to embed audio files into their
web pages. The <audio> element can have child elements such as <source>
to provide alternate formats.
Syntax :
<audio src="Source_Of_Audio_File" controls >
Example :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title> HTML Audio Element </title>
<audio src="CompTT_Welcome_Voice.mp3" controls >
Yor browser does not support Media Elements
Output :
HTML Video Element
The HTML video element allows developers to embed video files into their
web pages. You can set the source URL, dimensions, controls, and autoplay
properties for the video file.
Syntax :
<video src="Source_Of_Video_File" controls >
Example :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title> HTML Video Element </title>
<video src="ComputerTipsTricks.mp4" controls width="400">
Yor browser does not support Media Elements
Output :
HTML Source Element
The <source> element is typically used in conjunction with the
<video> and <audio> elements to provide alternate media
formats for compatibility with different browsers and devices.
The <source> element is used to specify multiple sources for the
video file in different formats, to ensure compatibility with a wide range
of browsers and devices.
The browser will automatically choose the appropriate source file to play
from multiple sources, based on the browser's capabilities. If none of the
specified sources are supported by the browser, then the given message
will be displayed.
Syntax :
<source src="Source_Of_Video_File" type="video/mp4">
Example :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title> HTML Source Element </title>
<video controls >
<source src="ComputerTipsTricks.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="ComputerTipsTricks.webm" type="video/webm">
Yor browser does not support Media Elements
HTML Track Element
The <track> element is an HTML media element that is used to
specify text tracks for media content, such as captions, subtitles,
descriptions, or chapters. The track element is typically used in
conjunction with the <video> and <audio> elements.
The <track> element provides an accessible way to add closed
captions, subtitles, or other text tracks to media content, making it
easier for people with hearing or visual impairments to access the
The <track> element supports several types of text tracks,
including captions, subtitles, descriptions, and chapters. The text track
file can be in one of several formats, such as WebVTT or TTML.
Syntax :
<track src="Captions_Source_File" kind=" " srclang=" " label=" ">
Example :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title> HTML Track Element </title>
<video controls>
<source src="video_file.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<track src="captions.vtt" kind="captions" srclang="en" label="English">
Your browser does not support the Media element.
Attributes of Media Element
Attributes | Description |
width | Specifies the width of the media element in pixels. |
height | Specifies the height of the media element in pixels. |
type | Specifies the MIME type of the media file. |
loop | Specifies whether to loop the media playback. |
muted | Specifies whether to mute the audio or not. |
src | Specifies the URL of the media file to be embedded in the element. |
preload | Specifies whether to preload the media content or not. |
crossorigin | Specifies whether the media content should be treated as crossorigin or not. |
playsinline | Specifies whether the video should be played inline on mobile devices or not. |
autoplay | Specifies whether the media should start playing automatically when the page loads. |
controls | Specifies whether to display the media player controls (play, pause, volume, etc.) or not. |
poster | Specifies an image to be displayed as a placeholder before the media starts playing. |
alt | Specifies alternative text for the media element, to be displayed if the media cannot be loaded. |
So, now it's time to end the session. This is our last post on HTML Programming Languages.
I hope you learned well with us...!!!
Thanks for Visiting...!!!
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