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Honey-Pot Trap For Hackers

Honey-Pot Trap For Hackers


A honeypot is a security mechanism that creates a virtual trap for attackers. They are used to study attacker behavior patterns.
You can apply a honeypot to any computing resourse from software and network to file servers and routers.

Honeypot Are Divided Into Two Parts

  • Production Honeypots:-

It's a low interaction honeypot by which we can collect limited information about the hacker.

  • Research Honeypots:-
Those are advance honeypot which is set up to retrieve the information of the Black Hat Hacker.
It is mainly used by the Govt. Organizations.

Types Of Honeypot Deployments

  • Pure Honeypots:-
Complete production system that monitor attacks through bug taps on the link that connects the honeypot to the network
  • Low-Interaction Honeypots:-
They offer a method for collecting data from blind attacks such a botnets and worms malware.
  • High-Interaction Honeypots:-
Complex Setups that behave like real production infrastructure. they don't restrict the activity of cybercriminal, providing extensive cybersecurrity insights.

Several Types Of Specialized Honeypot Technologies

  • Malware Honeypot
These are honeypot that mimic malware attack vectors.
  • Spam Honeypoy
These can detect the methods of spammers, monitor their activity and block spam.
  • Database Honeypot
These create decoy database to mislead attackers using method that are somtimes missed by firewalls.
  • Client Honeypot
These activity seek out malicious servers behind client attacks instead of passively waiting for connections.

Honeypot Limitations

  • The honeypot cannot detect security breaches in legitimate system and it does not always identify the attacker.
  • There is also a risk that, having successfully exploited the honeypot, an attacker can move laterally to infiltrate the real production network.
  • To help scale your security operations, you can combine honeypots with other techniquies.

Honeypot: A Network Of Honeypot

A honey-net is a decoy network that contains one or more honeypots.

Advantages Of Honey Net

  • It looks like a real network and contains multiple systems but is hosted on one or only few servers, each representing one environment.
  • Any system on the honeynet may serve as a point of entry for attackers.
  • The honey-net gathers intelligence on the attackers and diverts them from the real network.
  • The advantage of a honey-net over a simple honeypot is that it feels more like a real network.

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