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Top Sites To Practice Hacking Skills

Top 5 Places To Practice Ethical Hacking

The majority of ethical hacking skills can be practiced with a decent computer and an internet connection only.

  1. Portswigger's Web Security academy labs
  2. Hack TheBox
  3. HackThisSite
  4. PenetesterLab
  5. HellBoundHackers

Portswigger's Web Security academy labs

You must have heard of BurpSuite, the tool used for penetration testing of web applications. The developers of BurpSuite now provide free of cost online training in web application security. The training contains tutorials and labs on almost every vulnerability commonly found in modern web application.
Once you are good enough, you can compete with others in solving a newly added challenge before others. They have a HOF for expert hackers and provide swag for topper formers.

Link:- visit Now

Hack TheBox

Hack TheBox is a collection of vulnerable application called "machines". Each of the machines is unique and contains a set of vulnerabilities, the hacker has to compromise it and gain the required privileges.
The good thing about Hack TheBox (HTB) is that a large number of machines are already there for practice and walkthrough tutorials are available in case you are stuck. New ones recently found vulnerabilities.
The free version offers access to "live" machines only, old machines and walkthroughs are available on a paid subscription.

Link:- Visit Now

Hack This Site

This one is very famous among hackers, probably because its founder got arrested for illegal cyber activities. The negative fame has helped well in marketing Hack This site without significant efforts.
  • Basic missions
  • Realistic missions
  • Application missions
  • Programming missions
  • Phone phreaking missions
  • Javascript missions
  • Forensic missions
  • Extbasic missions
  • Irc missions
Link :- Visit Now


One of the biggest platform for web application security, PentesterLab's host tutoriala and labs on a very wide range of vulnerabilities of the web.
But  this quality content cost mre than a decent sum. We advise you to keep checking the website for promos, as the courses can be grabbed at as littel as 25% of the original price during certain promo events.
PentesterLab has execised on XSS, SQLi, XXE, CSRF, SAML related vulnerabilities, cross-site leakage, and many more.

Link :- Visit Now

Hell Bound Hackers

The name sounds badass, and the site lives to it's name. It has articles, tutorials, hacking challenges, and a forum.
you can practice web hacking, email tracking, software cracking, encryption chanllenges (Which are decryption challenges), steganography, and even social engineering.
Hell Bound Hackers have been under controvrsy for allegedly distributing "hacking tools". However, this page on their site clarifies that they are provinding security-related material in a legal manner.

Link :- Visit Now


Vulnhub is the hub of vulnerable virtual machines. It indexes intentionally vulnerable machines created by experts from different places.
The vulnerable VMs are downloadable and can be installed on your VM hosting platform. VulnHub is popular because of it's high quality and real-world application based VMs. VunHub is diverse, as it hosts VMs based on banking web apps to basic level CTFs.

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Artical Credit :- Cyberrabitx

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